Bot Settings
I would like to share this settings for Dicebot version 3.3.19. You will just have 100K sats in BTC. Start the bot with only 1 sats as base bet so that we can cope up with 10-15 streak loss. I play more than 8 hours and please be patient earning capital before. AND don't be greed. MY BTC ADRESS : 33cTESkEMaarkp44V5hNyBEtpEyyTZD1Es MY Telegram : @terminalia MY Bitsler :
Great script - thx. Works like its described - and function well on stake and primedice. Atm it has run for about 6 hours. + 5730 bets. Im testing with litecoin . at the moment +210k Loosing streaks just as you write 10-15 - havent had any worse yet. Thoug i will stop i now and do over again tommorow, Again thx :) (session chart: