A beta version of DiceBot v5 has been released. Download it from

FAQ: DiceBot

Does it run on Linux or mac?

The bot runs on the dotNET framework 4.5, which is a exclusive to windows. So no, it does not run on Linux or Mac.

The dotNET framework was recently open sourced in a project called .NET CORE, but a project in .NET 4.5 cannot just readily be compiled in .NET CORE, especially if it has GUI components. I am in the process of rewriting DiceBot into .NET CORE for version 4 of the bot, but it is a lot of work and will take quite a bit of time. I will make a lot of noise in the weeks leading up to the release of version 4 of the bot, so if you're on a supported site when it happens, you will likely know about it. You can also create an account on the forum with a valid email address, as I will send out a news letter when the bot is released.

Can the bot do "this and this"?

I'm usually not sure. The betting systems integrated into the bot are pretty flexible, especially martingale. I suggest poking around and experimenting with some of the settings before asking whether the bot can do something or not.If it so happens that you need the bot to do something that the integrated settings cannot do, check out the programmer mode, that is exactly what it is for.

Does the bot support site x?

It's very easy to check!

just click on the site menu located at the top of the bot. If the site you're looking for isn't there, the bot doesn't support it (yet).

Can you add my site to the bot?

Sure thing, but on a few conditions.If I feel that the site is not provably fair or if I just don't like it, I probably won't add it.It should preferably have a public API that I can use. If there is no public api available, it'll cost extra for me to add your site to the bot.You must be willing to pay the standard 0.25Btc fee or whatever I quote you to add your site (or the site you really want to use the bot on) to the botFeel free to contact me with requests

How do I upload my settings to this site?

First, you need to export your settings from the bot.
  • Open your bot
  • Configure your settings
  • Click on File -> Export
  • Browse to the folder you want to save your settings in
  • Enter a name for your settings file
  • Click Save
Now navigate to https://bot.seuntjie.com/settings.aspx?mode=new, Make sure you're logged in to the site. enter a name and discription for your settings, and select the version of the bot used to export the settings. Open the file you exported in a text editer, such as notepad. Copy all of the content from the file in to the settings text box. When you have entered all of the data, click on submit

How do I import the settings I downloaded from the site?

There is an explanation on how to import the settings on all pages related to the bot settings. It's in a small box with the text "How do I use this?" Click on the text to see the instructions, as they are listed below:

1. Click the download settings Button while viewing a script, or copy the content of the text box to the right into a text file.
2. Open your bot.
3. Set the settings mode to advanced mode.
4. Click on File (top left menu) -> Import
5. If you want to save you current settings, click on yes, else click on no
5.1. If you clicked yes, browse to the folder you want to save your settings
5.2. Type in a name
5.3. Click save
6. Browse to the downloaded file
7. Select the downloaded file and click on open
8. Log in and start betting

How do I use the scripts available on the site?

There is an explanation on how to import and use the scripts on all pages related to the scripts. It's in a small box with the text "How do I use this?" Click on the text to see the instructions, as they are listed below:

1. Click the View script Button while viewing a script.
2. Open your bot.
3. Set the settings mode to programmer mode.
4. Paste the script above into the code box.
5. Go to the console tab.
6. Type nextbet = xx.xxxx and press enter in the input box at the bottom, where xx.xxxx is the amount of your first bet.
7. Type start() and press enter to start the bot, and stop() to stop to the bot. (you need to be logged in before starting the bot)

Also see the programmer mode page for more information on the programmer mode. A user, Chilly2k, has a very informative thread on bitcointalk.org about the programmer mode, I suggest taking a look at it as we

Where can I get more info on ho a betting system works?

In the nav bar to the left is a menu item called bet systems. If you click on the black arrow, It will expand with a list of available betting systems.

I did my best to describe the betting systems used in the bot in these pages.

If you still don't understand how they work, feel free contact me.

How do I use the programmer mode?

You can find some more info on the programmer mode at https://bot.seuntjie.com/programmermode.aspx and https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1114503

The programmer mode is intended for advanced users that have at least a basic level of programming knowledge. It is not reccommended for new users

The bot stole my money! I want my money back!

The bot has no malicious code and no intents of stealing anything. As long as you downloaded the bot from the official site, the bot self did not steal your balance. I can not guarantee that a bot downloaded from any other source is secure. If you do not believe that the bot is secure, you're welcome to work through the source code available at https://github.com/seuntjie900/DiceBotOn a side note: Please be careful when using a script provided by another user. These scripts are able to withdraw or tip from your account. It's your own responsibility to ensure that any script you use is safe and will not steal your money.

The bot lost all of my money! I want my money back!

Even when using a bot and the most complicated betting system/strategy, gambling is gambling. You lost your money yourself, the bot was just a tool to do so. I will not provide any "refunds" for someone that lost their money while using my bot

How can I reset my bet history?

The bot stores your bets in a sqlite database called dicebot.db in the bots' root directory. moving, renaming or deleting this file (while the bot is closed) will reset the bet history in the bot. all historical charts as well as the bet history form will be reset

How do I reset my bot to default settings?

The bot stores your last used strategy and default settings in your appdata folder. To reset your bot to default strategy and settings, delete the content of the folder (or the folder itself) located at c:\users\yourusername\appdata\roaming\dicebot2

To open the appdata\roaming folder, press win+r (alternatively, open the start menu and type run. Open the "run" program) , type %appdata% (with the percentage marks) , click run

I am able to log in to site x but I'm unable to place a bet. How can I fix this?

This seems to be a recurring error that I'm finding hard to fix. The most likely cause is an incorrect number format.

You can try to set your number format to using English (US), since this usually fixes the problem.

Go to your control panel -> clock, language and region -> change the date, time or number format.
select English (US) or English (United States) as the format, apply and close

Close the bot and then open it and try logging in again.

Please contact me with details if you encounter this problem, whether changing the number format works or not.

Do you have a mobile (android, IOS, windows Phone) version of the bot, or do you intend on making one?

No and No. Gambling and gambling applications goes against almost all mobile application stores terms and conditions, and since I would personally not install an application directly from someones website on my own phone, I do not expect anyone else to do so. So I have no intention on making a mobile version of the bot

When I run Dicebot, it gives me one of the following errors: Not a valid win32 application System.IO.FileNotFoundException DiceBot has stopped working or similar problems

DiceBot requires the microsoft .net Framework 4.5 to be installed to work. Please ensure that this is installed and try again. If you are running windows 7 and have .net 4.6 installed, you might need to UNINSTALL 4.6, then install 4.5 and then re-install 4.6.

Also, make sure you extract the bot completely and not just run it from within the zip archive

The bot won't start on my XP machine.

Unfortunately windows XP has reached end of life years ago and Microsoft is no longer pushing updates for it. This means that windows XP can not get the .net 4.5 update that is required by the bot.

In short, the bot does not support windows XP.

Why does the bot stop after only 3 or bets the whole time?

It's most likely a stop or reset condition that is active. On some devices, these conditions are active by default for some reason. Enable the advanced settings mode, go to the stop conditions tab and check that the values there are what you want them to be, or disabled them if you don't want them active.

I set my bet speed setting to 100 bets a second, but the bot is only doing 1 bet every 2 seconds, why won't it listen to me?

The bot can't bet any faster than the site allows it. If the site limits your betting speed to 1 bet every two seconds (because you're betting extremely small), the bot can't do anything to make the bets go faster.

The bot bets at it's fastest when the betting speed setting is disabled. The setting can only be used to slow betting down, not speed it up.

Most sites throttle bets according to their size. If you want to bet faster, bet bigger.

I am unable to log in to site x (Failed to log in or create new account) even though I'm sure my username is correct. Please Help!

There could be several reasons for this, depending on the website you're trying to log in to:

1: Some sites use case sensitive usernames, so even though your password might be correct, it's possible that your username is not. Check that the case of your username is correct (For example logging in with seuntjie might work but with Seuntjie it might not) (JD)

2: Another possibility is the composition of your password itself. If you have any non-utc8 characters in your password (anything not found on a normal US qwerty Keyboard), your login might fail. If this is the case, change your password to something consisting ONLY of letters found on the normal US keyboard and try again. (ALmost all sites)

3: The site might be geoblocking your location. If you're using a VPN to access the site, be sure to connect your computer to the VPN before opening the bot. If you're relying on TOR to access the site, the bot won't be able to log in. (betking, PD, possibly others)

4: The site uses API keys/tokens to log in, not usernames and passwords. In this case you need to get your API key from the site you're trying to log in to. You can usually get help finding this key by asking in the site chat for help (moneypot, primedice, crypto-games, betterbets, coinmillions, monerodice)

5: The site does not support concurrent connections, meaning you can't be logged into the same account more than once at a time. This means the bot might fail to log in if you're logged in with a browser, or the bot will be logged out when logging in with a browser. Be sure to log out of the website with your browser before logging in with the bot. (fortunejack, bitdice, bitsler)

6: The site has some security method that prevents the bot from logging in. Usually these precautions are temporary and gets disabled after a few hours. Wait until this security measure (like an additional captcha to complete when logging in) is disabled and then try again (fortunejack)

7: The site requires some extra security to log in from DiceBot. Bitsler for example requires that you have 2fa enabled to log in using DiceBot.

8: Some sites have security measures that the bot cannot work around, that needs to be disabled for the bot to be able to log in and bet correctly. Bitsler for example has the Security by email setting that needs to be disabled for DiceBot to be able to bet.

If neither of these work, see the question "I am able to log in to site x but I'm unable to place a bet. How can I fix this?" above and try the resolution found there.

What do the colors mean in the bet list?

The background color for the row:

green if the player won, and
red if they lost.

The background color in roll column is:

green if the player won,
red if they would have won if they had made the opposite bet (hivslo), and
a golden brown color if they would have won whichever way they rolled given thechance to winthey had chosen, and
grey if there was no way they could have won whichever way they rolled.

(This has been shamelessly copied from just-dice faq)

Sometimes when I check my bets on the site, the chance shown in the bot isn't the same as the chance shown in the site. For example the bots shows I bet at 40% but the site shows >60 and this has caused me to lose.

Some sites show your target, where the bot shows your chance to win. When you're rolling at 40% chance to win, HIGH, you need to roll over 60 to win the bet. Thus, the target is >60, but the chance is still 40%.

It's the same value, just displayed in a different way, thus it did NOT make you lose.

What does it mean when the bot says: "bet result received does not match last bet placed! stopping for your safety".

It literally means that the bet data received does not match the last bet that was placed. Internally, each bet is assigned a GUID by the bot, when the bet result is returned by the site, the bot checks the GUID for 2 things; That it's the most recent bet that was placed and that it's not a duplicate of a result already returned. 

Things that can trigger this: Network errors, site errors/delays, starting the bot while it's running, placing a manual bet while the bot is running, placing a bet from the site while the bot is running.

For example, if you experience a network error while the bot is running, after 30 seconds, the bot will retry the bet. If the network reconnects within the timeout period of the previous bet, it could still get the result from the site. This GUID will not match the one of the most recent bet placed (the retry) and betting will stop because it will cause unpredictable and undesirable betting patterns.

Once the bot has stopped because of this, there is no way to restart it other than clicking the start button or using the start() command in the programmer mode. This error WILL cause unpredictable betting, it WILL make incorrect decisions, it WILL bet the wrong amount at the wrong chance at the wrong side at the wrong time. You WILL lose because of this error if it resumes betting automatically.