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LUA Scripts
The script will calculate your bet multiplier based on your balance. The range is between 2.25 and 3. Increments by 0.01. Always goes for the most rolls and increases multiplier until the next roll can be made.
A cleaner more flexible version of your stack of if-else statements: m = bmulti b = base carry = 0 counter = 0 found =0 while (counter<=30 and found==0) do car1 = (b + (b * m^counter)) car2 = car1 + (b * m^(counter+1)) if ((balance > car1) and (balance > car2)) then maxroll=counter+1 found=1 end counter+=1 end
Thx, It looks pretty. I will add it to my arsenal of future endeavors.
else car1 = car2 car2 = car2 + (b * m^6) There is an error here it should be : else car1 = car2 car2 = car1 + (b * m^6) That's why seuntjie's way is better.
I have no idea why but, this way of finding maxroll is not working out. I've tried variations of this while statement and a for loop and in each case the output betmultiplier is off. So, for now this way works the best. Except for that small correction posted below.
are you uploade a new working script whit the seuntjie corections posted below dont get were in your script to change it ... but i will like to try it
As I vaguely stated before Seuntjie's idea of using a while statement has not worked. I have messed with it for several hours and I tried using a for loop instead. But, and I cannot figure out why, the out put is off. The script posted here works perfectly except for the small edit I posted above. Fix that and it will never fail. GL!!
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I found two problems in my loop. 1 was the if statement was wrong, and 2, car2 never gets reset to 0 (so it works the first time, but not the second). try this: m = bmulti b = base carry = 0 counter = 0 found =0 car1=0 car2=0 while (counter<=30 and found==0) do car1 = (b + (b * m^counter)) car2 = car1 + (b * m^(counter+1)) if ((balance > car1) and (balance < car2)) then maxroll=counter+1 found=1 end counter+=1 end
an even more compact version with less calculations that should do the same (I haven't tested it yet though): m = bmulti b = base carry = 0 counter = 0 found =0 car1=0 while (counter<=30 and found==0) do car1 = car1+ (b + (b * m^counter)) if balance < car1 then maxroll=counter found=1 end counter+=1 end
I think I fixed it. What you have proposed thus far does not work correctly. But I think I figured out why finally. -- Funtion to set maxroll -- Based on balance and multiplier. m = bmulti b = base car1 = 0 car2 = 0 car1 = b counter = 0 found = false while (counter<=30 and (not found)) do --car1 = (b * m^counter) car2 = car1 + (b * m^(counter+1)) if ((balance > car1) and (balance < car2)) then maxroll=counter+1 found = true end car1 = car2 counter+=1 end