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How do I use this?

Uploaded by: tJcOmPuTeR
This script has been tested multiple times and it didn't bust ..feel free to use it and don't forget to send some love my way after winning.

Minimum Balance required to play this script is 7000 dogecoins

--Doge address DM7bRKUs7yQnXUsju8vtDfdMY6RVGbAHgj

--Btc address 1NaVNEmqMSYo1jGEbujRKdsA88Sc5L7Kzm

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cryptomonk30:12:2020 10:25
and it will bust! just repeat it enough times!
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tJcOmPuTeR13:01:2021 01:22
Change basebet = balance/1000000 and the 6th line to the last at the bottom to if profit>basebet
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cryptomonk30:12:2020 09:53
This comment has been removed.
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