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LUA Scripts
This script will never crash if you do not reduce the DIVIDER. Use RDP to gain more BPS -- /* I will not be held responsible if you encounter any loss while using this bot -- For donation, doge address : DFaEQW9PJNy74jguFDhhMB3m1y1yn5n8Ey -- For additional inquiry , email @ -- send an email message if you want me to build something personal and private for you (token charges) -- Join our telegram channel */
you lost me at "Nigeria"
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Looking for clarification: In your condition "if chance<=36", all chances are less than 36, so there is no ELSE, and all the numbers are the same. Is this intentional? Being impatient, i cannot wait for such small basebets. I find that i can significantly increase the basebet if i reduce the bet amount stepper to: CHINA = SOUTHAFRICA/(96/6-1) Makes the script safer, but will be too small on those small basebets. Works pretty good at higher bb, though. Just wondering why there are so many "ifs" and "elses" that are the same. Have you tinkered with these for different results? If not, you can strip out over 50% of the code for the same result. Thanks for the script. Love the approach, but would like to see more done w/ it.
"This script will never crash if you do not reduce the DIVIDER" lol this trash script lost 0.01 ETH in less than 5 minutes. Beware!!
Too bad that you did not follow the divider are supposed to use 10m divider and not 1m divider...You said you lost 0.01 ETH in 5minutes ....0.01/10m = 0.000000001 which is lower than any site minimum bet.......The minimum balance to play that script safely is 0.1 of any coin.....always confirm things before you jump into conclusion!.