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How do I use this?

Name:Find best Option V2
Uploaded by: Michael
How it works:

Start bets at 90% chance, if lose multiply by 11

If all last 3 rolls value are bigger then 50 or all last 3 rolls are lower then 50 --> start bets at 50% chance until win.

If all last 7 rolls value are bigger then 25 or all last 7 rolls are are lower then 25 --> start bets at 25% chance win until win 

If all last 100 rolls value are bigger then 5 or all last 100 rolls are are lower then 95 --> start bets at 05% chance win until win

If all these 3 options are not available it start generic bets at 90% chance. 

All bets are made with automatic base (based on your balance). Easy-to-Edit script!

If you liked this script and find it useful, make me happy :) with a small donation: doge: DAwiMXcgZWo1jSRbb5v6XofRLDkFShxok8  btc: 16VuXwk8SKLLun9SxNCK69dwGFXbBo9Dnt.

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Michael27:02:2020 14:58
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majali197712:03:2020 04:14
whtas the function that stops automatic adjusting baseinitial balance 
ex: Base05Initial how to make it constant instead of auto adjusting the the start of rolling ??
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majali197713:03:2020 08:26
for the v2 it rips the balance off in no time, since it keeps adjusting the starting bet value way too high. the concept is good but the script needs modification to avoid controlling the start bet value..
good work anyways
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Michael13:03:2020 21:03
Chose05MaxLevelBase = 255  --set max rolls for bets at 05% chance, higher is safer

If Chose05MaxLevelBase value is higher, Base05 will be lower but not constant. you can increase Chose05MaxLevelBase after a number of bets.
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Michael13:03:2020 21:02
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Michael16:03:2020 20:10
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kodark27:02:2020 15:30
I will test this one when I can. 
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kodark27:02:2020 15:34
If for this one "Base will be automatically adjusted according to balance" , why do I have to have a recommended balance? It will not adjust automatically if I have 10.00000 balance, for example? 
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Michael01:03:2020 08:34
You need minimum balance because this script is based on martingale strategy.

RECOMMENDED BALANCE: 0.01771560 (0.00000010 + 0.00000110 + 0.00001210 + 0.00013310 + 0.00146410 + 0.01610510 = 6 level at 90%). 

If you have 10.00 balance and you set 6 to level at 90% chance, base will be automatically adjusted to 0.00005645. (first bet at 90% chance is 0.00005645, if lose second bet is 0.00062092 (first bet*11), third is 0.00683013, fourth is 0.07513148, fifth is 0.82644628 and sixth bet is 9.09090909). Together all these values give 10.00, your entire balance. 

6 levels of betting at 90% chance have a probability of losing by 1 / 1,000,000 bets.
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sirwin8912:03:2020 12:26
I got this error message when I ran the script.
[string "?"]:181: attempt to compare nil with number
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majali197711:03:2020 21:42
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Michael16:03:2020 20:18
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Michael18:03:2020 22:33

--Update Version:

--Script name: Find best Option V2
--RECOMMENDED BALANCE: 0.01771560 (0.00000010 + 0.00000110 + 0.00001210 + 0.00013310 + 0.00146410 + 0.01610510 = 6 level at 90%)

-- All bets are made with automatic base according with your balance, multiplicator (1), max rolls (2) and Level-Start(3). 

--To get a fast gain you have 2 options:
--1. You can increase value of Base90Initial, Base50Initial, Base25Initial, Base05Initial.
--2. You can decrease value of Chose90MaxLevelBase, Chose50MaxLevelBase, Chose25MaxLevelBase, Chose05MaxLevelBase.
--Also, you can increase value of the multiplier: Multi90, Multi50, Multi25, Multi05
--Option 1 (increase base) and option 2 (decrease max level) offer constant gain. Increasing multiplier provides variable gain.

--Suggestions for improvement are welcome!

--If you liked this script and find it useful, you can make me happy :) with a small donation: doge: DAwiMXcgZWo1jSRbb5v6XofRLDkFShxok8  btc: 16VuXwk8SKLLun9SxNCK69dwGFXbBo9Dnt. 

------------------ Tuning Settings -----------------------

SiteEdge = 1 --is important to be real, for 999dice = 0.1, cryptogames = 0.8, primedice = 1, etc

--This initial settings have a very high level of safety but offer a very slow gain. Change them as you see fit!

--Base will be automatically adjusted according to balance, multiplier and maxrolls but it will never be lower than values you wrote below:
Base95Initial = 0.00000020 --set lower base for bet at 95% chance
Base90Initial = 0.00000001 --set lower base for bet at 90% chance
Base50Initial = 0.00000001 --set lower base for bet at 50% chance
Base25Initial = 0.00000001 --set lower base for bet at 25% chance
Base05Initial = 0.00000001 --set lower base for bet at 05% chance

--1. Set multiplicator, if multiplicator is higher, base will automatically decrease to fit in max rolls
Multi95 = 25            --It can be higher but it should not be set less than 24.75 if SiteEdge <= 1
Multi90 = 11            --It can be higher but it should not be set less than 11 if SiteEdge <= 1
Multi50 = 2.05          --It can be higher but it should not be set less than 2.02040816326531 if SiteEdge <= 1
Multi25 = 1.35          --It can be higher but it should not be set less than 1.33783783783784 if SiteEdge <= 1
Multi05 = 1.06          --It can be higher but it should not be set less than 1.0531914893617 if SiteEdge <= 1

SetMultiToAuto = false   --can be true or false, if true multi will be automatically adjusted to lowest possible value of that type of bets (it will overwrite the values above)

--2. Set max rolls - Chose-MaxLevelBase is adaptive, if your balance is low it will be automatically adjusted (reduced to fit in balance)
Chose95MaxLevelBase = 3    --set max rolls for bets at 90% chance, higher is safer. For these types of bets value 2 is more common than you normally expect.
Chose90MaxLevelBase = 7    --set max rolls for bets at 90% chance, higher is safer. For these types of bets value 6 is more common than you normally expect.
Chose50MaxLevelBase = 21   --set max rolls for bets at 50% chance, higher is safer
Chose25MaxLevelBase = 52   --set max rolls for bets at 25% chance, higher is safer
Chose05MaxLevelBase = 180  --set max rolls for bets at 05% chance, higher is safer

--3. Set Level Start
--example 1: if all last 3 (Level50Start) rolls value are bigger then 50 or all last 3 rolls are lower then 50  --> start bets at 50% chance until win
--example 2: If all last 7 (Level25Start) rolls value  are bigger then 25 or all last 7 rolls are are lower then 25 --> start bets at 25% chance win until win
--example 3: If all last 100 (Level05Start) rolls value  are bigger then 5 or all last 100 rolls are are lower then 95 --> start bets at 05% chance win until win
Level95Start = 2        --can be higher or lower, higher is safer
Level50Start = 3        --can be higher or lower, higher is safer
Level25Start = 7        --can be higher or lower, higher is safer
Level05Start = 75      --can be higher or lower, higher is safer

stop_if_balance     = 50000   --set limit to stop script, stop if balance > value
stop_if_bets_number = 1000000    --set how many bets do you want to play, it stop at win
stop_if_win_percent = 100      --stop if win x% from balance
------------------ End Tuning Settings -----------------------

Level90Start = 1        
BalanceStart = balance

Count95Plus    = 0
Count95Minus   = 0
Count90Plus    = 0
Count90Minus   = 0
Count50Plus    = 0
Count50Minus   = 0
Count25Plus    = 0
Count25Minus   = 0
Count05Plus    = 0
Count05Minus   = 0

Count95LoseMax = 0
Count95Lose    = 0
Count90LoseMax = 0
Count90Lose    = 0
Count50LoseMax = 0
Count50Lose    = 0
Count25LoseMax = 0
Count25Lose    = 0
Count05LoseMax = 0
Count05Lose    = 0

chance   = 90
chance95 = 95
chance90 = 90
chance50 = 50
chance25 = 25
chance05 = 5

base    = Base90Initial 
nextbet = Base90Initial 
BetsMaxValue = math.max(Chose05MaxLevelBase,Chose25MaxLevelBase,Chose50MaxLevelBase,Chose90MaxLevelBase)


for i = 1,BetsMaxValue do
    BetsValue[i] = -1

if SetMultiToAuto == true then
    Multi95        = 0
    Multi90        = 0
    Multi50        = 0
    Multi25        = 0
    Multi05        = 0

function MinMulti(SiteEdge, chancex)
    PayOut    = (100-SiteEdge)/chancex
    MinMultix = PayOut /(PayOut - 1)
    return MinMultix

print("                      SiteEdge: "..SiteEdge )

if Multi95  < MinMulti(SiteEdge,chance95) then
    Multi95 = MinMultix
print("Miniumum value for Multi95 is: "..MinMultix)

if Multi90  < MinMulti(SiteEdge,chance90) then
    Multi90 = MinMultix
print("Miniumum value for Multi90 is: "..MinMultix)

if Multi50  < MinMulti(SiteEdge,chance50) then
    Multi50 = MinMultix
print("Miniumum value for Multi50 is: "..MinMultix)

if Multi25  < MinMulti(SiteEdge,chance25) then
    Multi25 = MinMultix
print("Miniumum value for Multi25 is: "..MinMultix)

if Multi05  < MinMulti(SiteEdge,chance05) then
    Multi05 = MinMultix
print("Miniumum value for Multi05 is: "..MinMultix)


function dobet()

--stop conditions--
    if balance >= stop_if_balance then
        print("Balance target reached. Win!! Stop!!")
    if bets >= stop_if_bets_number and win then
        print("Bets number target reached. Win!! Stop!!")
    if (profit*100)/BalanceStart >= stop_if_win_percent then
        print("Profit percent target reached. Win!! Stop!!")
-- Find maximum number of consecutive losing rolls can be done with current balance at x% chance and find minimum/optimum base for start bets --
    Wallet = balance
    function FindBase (DesiredLevelBase, Wallet, BaseInitial, Multiplier)
        Level = {}
        Level[1] = Wallet - Wallet/Multiplier

        while(Level[i] > BaseInitial) do
            Level[i+1] = Level[i] / Multiplier
        LevelMax = i-1
            --print("LevelMax: "..LevelMax)
        if DesiredLevelBase >  LevelMax then
            DesiredStartBase = LevelMax
            DesiredStartBase = DesiredLevelBase
            --LowestBase = DesiredStartBase
            BaseLevelUsed = Level[DesiredStartBase] 
    Base95Used  = BaseLevelUsed
    Level95Max  = LevelMax
    Level95Used = DesiredStartBase
    Base90Used  = BaseLevelUsed
    Level90Max  = LevelMax
    Level90Used = DesiredStartBase

    Base50Used = BaseLevelUsed
    Level50Max = LevelMax
    Level50Used = DesiredStartBase

    Base25Used = BaseLevelUsed
    Level25Max = LevelMax
    Level25Used = DesiredStartBase

    Base05Used = BaseLevelUsed
    Level05Max = LevelMax
    Level05Used = DesiredStartBase

--Set Array for Rolls Value--

    for i = BetsMaxValue,2,-1 do
        BetsValue[i] = BetsValue[i-1]
    BetsValue[1] = lastBet.Roll

--counting start condition for bets at 50% chance--

    Count50Plus = 0 
    Count50Minus = 0 
    for i = 1,Level50Start do
        if  BetsValue[i] < 50 and BetsValue[i] >= 0 then 
            Count50Minus = Count50Minus + 1
        if BetsValue[i] >= 50 then    
            Count50Plus = Count50Plus + 1

--counting start condition for bets at 25% chance--

    Count25Plus = 0 
    Count25Minus = 0 
    for i = 1,Level25Start do
        if  BetsValue[i] < 75 and BetsValue[i] >= 0 then 
            Count25Minus = Count25Minus + 1
        if BetsValue[i] >= 25 then    
            Count25Plus = Count25Plus + 1

--counting start condition for bets at 05% chance--

    Count05Plus = 0 
    Count05Minus = 0 
    for i = 1,Level05Start do
        if  BetsValue[i] < 95 and BetsValue[i] >= 0 then 
            Count05Minus = Count05Minus + 1
        if BetsValue[i] >= 05 then    
            Count05Plus = Count05Plus + 1

--counting start condition for bets at 95% chance--

    Count95Plus = 0 
    Count95Minus = 0 
    for i = 1,Level95Start do
        if  BetsValue[i] < 5 and BetsValue[i] >= 0 then 
            Count95Minus = Count95Minus + 1
        if BetsValue[i] >= 95 then    
            Count95Plus = Count95Plus + 1
if win then
        -------------------set option 1 - bet90% chance - default if win

        Option = 1
        nextbet = Base90Used
        chance = chance90

        if lastBet.Roll < 50 then 
            bethigh = true
            bethigh = false
        -------------------set option 2 - bet 50% chance low
        if Count50Plus >= Level50Start then
            Option = 2
            nextbet = Base50Used
            chance = chance50
            bethigh = false

        -------------------set option 3 - bet 50% chance high

        if Count50Minus >= Level50Start then
            Option = 3
            nextbet = Base50Used
            chance = chance50
            bethigh = true
        -------------------set option 6 - bet 25% chance low
        if Count25Plus >= Level25Start then
            Option = 4
            nextbet = Base25Used
            chance = chance25
            bethigh = false

        -------------------set option 7 - bet 25% chance high

        if Count25Minus >= Level25Start then
            Option = 5
            nextbet = Base25Used
            chance = chance25
            bethigh = true
        -------------------set option 4 - bet 05% chance low
        if Count05Plus >= Level05Start then
            Option = 6
            nextbet = Base05Used
            chance = chance05
            bethigh = false

        -------------------set option 5 - bet 05% chance high

        if Count05Minus >= Level05Start then
            Option = 7
            nextbet = Base05Used
            chance = chance05
            bethigh = true
        -------------------set option 8 - bet 95% chance low
        if Count95Plus >= Level95Start then
            Option = 8
            nextbet = Base95Used
            chance = chance95
            bethigh = false

        -------------------set option 9 - bet 95% chance high

        if Count95Minus >= Level95Start then
            Option = 9
            nextbet = Base95Used
            chance = chance95
            bethigh = true
        Count95Lose = 0
        Count90Lose = 0
        Count50Lose = 0 
        Count25Lose = 0 
        Count05Lose = 0
    -----------------------------------------------------------------set else Options

        if Option == 1 then 
            nextbet = previousbet * Multi90
            Count90Lose = Count90Lose + 1
            if Count90LoseMax < Count90Lose then
                Count90LoseMax = Count90Lose

    --set nextbet for bets (plus) at 50% chance in case of lose
        if Option == 2 then
            nextbet = previousbet * Multi50
            bethigh = false
            chance = chance50
            Count50Lose = Count50Lose + 1
            if Count50Lose > Count50LoseMax then
                Count50LoseMax = Count50Lose

    --set nextbet for bets (minus) at 50% chance in case of lose

        if Option == 3 then
            nextbet = previousbet * Multi50
            bethigh = true
            chance = chance50
            Count50Lose = Count50Lose + 1
            if Count50Lose > Count50LoseMax then
                Count50LoseMax = Count50Lose

    --set nextbet for bets (plus) at 25% chance in case of lose
        if Option == 4 then
            nextbet = previousbet * Multi25
            bethigh = false
            chance = chance25
            Count25Lose = Count25Lose + 1
            if Count25Lose > Count25LoseMax then
                Count25LoseMax = Count25Lose

    --set nextbet for bets (minus) at 25% chance in case of lose

        if Option == 5 then
            nextbet = previousbet * Multi25
            bethigh = true
            chance = chance25
            Count25Lose = Count25Lose + 1
            if Count25Lose > Count25LoseMax then
                Count25LoseMax = Count25Lose
    --set nextbet for bets (plus) at 05% chance in case of lose
        if Option == 6 then
            nextbet = previousbet * Multi05
            bethigh = false
            chance = chance05
            Count05Lose = Count05Lose + 1
            if Count05Lose > Count05LoseMax then
                Count05LoseMax = Count05Lose

    --set nextbet for bets (minus) at 05% chance in case of lose

        if Option == 7 then
            nextbet = previousbet * Multi05
            bethigh = true
            chance = chance05
            Count05Lose = Count05Lose + 1
            if Count05Lose > Count05LoseMax then
                Count05LoseMax = Count05Lose
     --set nextbet for bets (plus) at 95% chance in case of lose
        if Option == 8 then
            nextbet = previousbet * Multi95
            bethigh = false
            chance = chance95
            Count95Lose = Count95Lose + 1
            if Count95Lose > Count95LoseMax then
                Count95LoseMax = Count95Lose

    --set nextbet for bets (minus) at 95% chance in case of lose

        if Option == 9 then
            nextbet = previousbet * Multi95
            bethigh = true
            chance = chance95
            Count95Lose = Count95Lose + 1
            if Count95Lose > Count95LoseMax then
                Count95LoseMax = Count95Lose
    PercentProfit = (profit*100)/BalanceStart
    print("Base95Start: "..string.format("%8.8f",Base95Used).."  I  Level95Max: "..Level95Max.."  I  Level95Used: "..Level95Used)
--  print("Count95Plus: "..Count95Plus.."   Count95Minus: "..Count95Minus)
    print("MaxLose95: ".. Count95LoseMax.."  I  Multi95: "..Multi95)

    print("Base90Start: "..string.format("%8.8f",Base90Used).."  I  Level90Max: "..Level90Max.."  I  Level90Used: "..Level90Used)
--  print("Count90Plus: "..Count90Plus.."   Count90Minus: "..Count90Minus)
    print("MaxLose90: ".. Count90LoseMax.."  I  Multi90: "..Multi90)
    print("Base50Start: "..string.format("%8.8f",Base50Used).."  I  Level50Max: "..Level50Max.."  I  Level50Used: "..Level50Used)
--  print("Count50Plus: "..Count50Plus.."   Count50Minus: "..Count50Minus)
    print("MaxLose50: ".. Count50LoseMax.."  I  Multi50 "..Multi50)

    print("Base25Start: "..string.format("%8.8f",Base25Used).."  I  Level25Max: "..Level25Max.."  I  Level25Used: "..Level25Used)
--  print("Count25Plus: "..Count25Plus.."   Count25Minus: "..Count25Minus)
    print("MaxLose25: ".. Count25LoseMax.."  I  Multi25: "..Multi25)

    print("Base05Start: "..string.format("%8.8f",Base05Used).."  I  Level05Max: "..Level05Max.."  I  Level05Used: "..Level05Used)
 -- print("Count05Plus: "..Count05Plus.."   Count05Minus: "..Count05Minus)
 print("MaxLose05: ".. Count05LoseMax.."  I  Multi05: "..Multi05)

    print("Profit: "..string.format("%8.8f",PercentProfit).."% = "..string.format("%8.8f",profit).." Coin".." at "..bets.." Bets")    
    ExpectedBets = math.floor((stop_if_win_percent*bets)/PercentProfit)
    print("Expected "..stop_if_win_percent.."% profit at: "..ExpectedBets.." bets")

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GmK22:03:2020 13:21
Hi Michael, fun script, thanks. I would like it to not do any rolls on 90%, since they always bust me (4 red on 90% and poof). I tried every setting (using the updated version in the comments here), but it simply refuses not to do the 90% rolls that increase the bet amount so massively. Any ideas?
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donkert23:03:2020 08:23

I got the exact same problem 4 90% then gone michael would aprreciate you look into it ty 
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shermhead15:04:2020 06:38
Just change
Multi90 = 11  
Multi90 = 1
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kodark27:02:2020 15:22
Using the first version I busted very fast using default configuration. 
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