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LUA Scripts
Hello Guys, here i will show you a script that i have edited from another one. The first bet you made is at a chance of 95%. Then the script will change the chance if you loose to the chance of next-next-base-previous bet chance and base-next-next. When you loose then the bot will switch hi low until you win. At profittarget you can set which limit the bot stops. It means the balance and not the profit itself. I have not run it very long but at the moment i bet at DOGE and XRP on Primedice. So i hope you have luck and if there are any questions just ask me and i will try to answer it. I am not responsible for any looses. And just bet what you can loose. ;)
I have edited to make it more safe. Loosecount could reach over hundred, i have run it over the whole day today and was at 90 losestreak. So maybe it could reach more or not. So please keep in mind that there is no perfect script. I will upload a session chart in the next days to prove the profit. chance = 95 basebet = balance/750000 nextbet = basebet bethigh = true losecount = 0 counter = 0 profittarget = 3.00000000 resetstats() resetseed() function dobet() if (balance) >= profittarget then stop(); print("") print(profit) print(profittarget) print(balance) print("Target is reached!!!") print("") end counter+=1 if counter >= 250 then resetseed() counter = 0 end if balance < 0.00000001 then print("") print("Security Stop") stop(); end if (win) then chance = 95 nextbet = balance/750000 losecount = 0 end if (!win) then losecount += 1 if (losecount > 1) then nextbet = previousbet*1.12 chance = (1/(((nextbet+(nextbet-basebet))/previousbet)))*20 if chance < 9.0 then chance = 9.0 end bethigh = !bethigh print ("LOSE") print(nextbet) print(chance) print(profit) print(bets) else nextbet = previousbet*1.12 chance = (1/(((basebet+nextbet))/nextbet))*25 if chance<9.0 then chance = 9.0 end bethigh = !bethigh print ("LOSE") print(nextbet) print(chance) print(profit) print(bets) end end end
Hello Good job dude made some adhustments and made 0.10 btc from 0.005 starting roll Keep it cumming
Very unsafe script, the basebet ( basebet = balance/750000 ) should be higher and I dont have enough funds to test it.
I've made changes with your script. mainChance = 95 chance = mainChance startbal = balance bet1 = 0.00000250 bet2 = 0.00000350 basebet = math.random(bet1*100000000,bet2*100000000)/100000000.0 nextbet = basebet bethigh = true losecount = 0 counter = 0 profittarget = startbal+5 stopat = startbal/2 resetstats() resetseed() function dobet() if (balance) >= profittarget then stop(); print("") print(profit) print(profittarget) print(balance) print("Target is reached!!!") print("") end counter+=1 if counter >= 250 then resetseed() counter = 0 end if balance < stopat then print("") print("Security Stop") stop(); end if (win) then chance = mainChance nextbet = math.random(bet1*100000000,bet2*100000000)/100000000.0 losecount = 0 end if (!win) then losecount += 1 if (losecount > 1) then nextbet = previousbet*1.12 chance = (1/(((nextbet+(nextbet-basebet))/previousbet)))*20 if chance < 9.0 then chance = 9.0 end bethigh = !bethigh print ("LOSE") print(nextbet) print(chance) print(profit) print(bets) else nextbet = previousbet*1.12 chance = (1/(((basebet+nextbet))/nextbet))*25 if chance<9.0 then chance = 9.0 end bethigh = !bethigh print ("LOSE") print(nextbet) print(chance) print(profit) print(bets) end end end
So here is my uploaded session chart from today. I'll have betted at DOGE and XRP at the same time. And i have another betting at Yolodice and it is DOGE too. Sure i have not much on my account but at the moment this script works good for me. 60.000 bets and 10 hours should be enough proof.
I almost forgot. You have to change the security stop statement to your favorite value.
mainChance = 95 chance = mainChance basebet = 0.00000100 nextbet = basebet bethigh = true losecount = 0 counter = 0 profittarget = 3.00000000 resetstats() resetseed() function dobet() if (balance) >= profittarget then stop(); print("") print(profit) print(profittarget) print(balance) print("Target is reached!!!") print("") end counter+=1 if counter >= 250 then resetseed() counter = 0 end if balance < 0.00000001 then print("") print("Security Stop") stop(); end if (win) then chance = mainChance nextbet = basebet losecount = 0 end if (!win) then losecount += 1 if (losecount > 1) then nextbet = previousbet*1.12 chance = (1/(((nextbet+(nextbet-basebet))/previousbet)))*20 if chance < 9.0 then chance = 9.0 end bethigh = !bethigh print ("LOSE") print(nextbet) print(chance) print(profit) print(bets) else nextbet = previousbet*1.12 chance = (1/(((basebet+nextbet))/nextbet))*25 if chance<9.0 then chance = 9.0 end bethigh = !bethigh print ("LOSE") print(nextbet) print(chance) print(profit) print(bets) end end end