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LUA Scripts
The script starting the base bet with a 1% chance of winning and increases 1% chance and multiply the bet by 1.25 each time you lose. When the bot hit a losing streak of 19, the bot change the multiplier to 1.5 When the bot hit a losing streak of 26, the bot change the multiplier to 1.65 Reset to base bet when you win. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Commence avec la mise de départ avec une chance de 1%. Augmente de 1% chaque fois que le bot perd multipliant la mise par 1.25. Quand le bot perd 19 fois en ligne, il change le multipliant pour 1.5 Quand le bot perd 19 fois en ligne, il change le multipliant pour 1.65 Reset à la mise de départ quand il gagne. Tips/astuce: J'utilise, on peut faire des petites mise (pas de restrictions) et il y a des faucets (coins gratuit/free coins) *** doit avoir min 0.0001 pour utiliser Dicebot ***) for a ref / pour un parrainage: p.s. ( french speaker so, my english is not perfect ! =) ) donation: BTC 18sJ8DK7urT2mLee6cyCzRiPrVaKo9udZM BCH bitcoincash:qqwfha39lt9ndcpmsv6rjwuwuzcjf3rx2c38z80w23 ETH 0xDA52D1a0284F6819235C12CeCd59744BAB9c9960 DOGE DRmPvzsiHKmcHrfjR2KLM3NFSSYrJTx1YA TRX TYRV2z29QG66RcF9jAXpbqqf7EuXCpX3xV LTC LUTRfCHQo64eACHDizU6gASiTRQ7VBis6z
Need to declare nextbet before betting begins, and also not sure what total1 and total2 are meant to do, but they are never set anywhere so they cause an error. REVISED CODE: ------------------------------------------------- chance = 1 basebet = 0.00000001 losecount = 0 betcount = 0 varX = 1.25 betcount2 = 0 nextbet = basebet function dobet() if win then nextbet = basebet losecount = 0 betcount = 1 betcount2 = 0 total1 = 0 chance = 1 varX = 1.25 else if betcount2 == 19 then betcount2+=1 betcount = 0 varX = 1.5 end if betcount2 == 26 then betcount2+=1 betcount = 0 varX = 1.65 end losecount += 1 betcount += 1 betcount2+=1 nextbet = nextbet*varX chance+=1 end if betcount == 25 then resetseed() betcount2+=1 betcount = 0 end end