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Name:Dicebot SCRIPT 1
Uploaded by: Khaidar
-- Please have at least 0.00100000 collateral
-- and set betcalc using one of the following
-- numbers, 8 loss streaks is usually the highest
-- result with 50k bets and over 200k bets I have
-- not yet seen a 9 loss streak.

-- 7 max losses (ludicrous) - 27.364138
-- 8 max losses (stupid) - 7.3446286
-- 9 max losses (risky) - 1.9714477
-- 10 max losses (safe) - 0.5291766
-- 11 max losses (safest) - 0.1420417

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Papanikolis929:05:2019 19:33
busted with even with more than 11
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Becky123406:04:2019 03:30
Why you posted same script again?
 it's already available on site!
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