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Name:P 1.0
Uploaded by: Punisher
Script baseado na técnica de martingale. 
as apostas começam em valores de chances mais baixos e se houver perda as chances sobem.

Script based on martingale technique.
bets start at lower odds and if there is a loss chances go up.

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Make a donation to contribute with the tests of new scripts

address dogecoin:
---DSGHRrXsVHZxCotQtokBpsZ6mjgd7z5ZC4 ----

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Tomy4517:09:2020 20:31
Fixed script:

roundprofit = 0
b           = 0
Prebet      = 0.000001
nmin        = Prebet
nmax        = Prebet * 1.189325
n           = math.random(nmin*100000000, nmax*100000000)/100000000
base        = n
mult        = 1.01
s           = 0
-- chance
chmin = 10
chmax = 30
ch1= 32
ch2= 55
ch = math.random(chmin*100.0, chmax*100.0)/100.0
chance = ch
nextbet = Prebet
seedmin = 5
seedmax = 10
function dobet()
seedrandom = math.random(seedmin*100.0, seedmax*100.0)/100.0
n = math.random(nmin*100000000, nmax*100000000)/100000000
r = math.random(2)
ch = math.random(chmin*100.0, chmax*100.0)/100.0
if r == 1 then
bethigh = true
bethigh = false
roundprofit += currentprofit
prof = (balance - b) * 100 / b
print("  -----------------------------   ----------------------------- ")
print("  Lucro - Profit: "..string.format("%.8f", profit)..string.format("      %.3f", prof).." % ")
print("  -----------------------------   ----------------------------- ")
print("              Profit Round: "..string.format(" %.8f", roundprofit))
print("  -----------------------------   ----------------------------- ")
if win then
ch = math.random(chmin*100.0, chmax*100.0)/100.0
chance = ch
base = n
s = 0
ch = math.random(ch1*100.0, ch2*100.0)/100.0
chance = ch
s = s + base
base = s/(100/chance/1.01-1)* mult
for q=1, seedrandom do
if(base < n) then
base = n 
nextbet = base
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