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LUA Scripts
THIS SCRIPT WILL START AT 6.6 CHANCES AND 0.00000005 BET THEN SUNDDENLY INCREASE AFTER A LOSE. BETTING DEPENDS ON HOW MUCH THE CHANCES ARE. AUTO RESET SEED. AUTO HIGH AND LOW. DONATE IF U WIN. HEHE 3Hc4tDAZMmdrChSYC9omQ1Ln7xd28yxzZP Seuntjies Note: Your code is redundant as hell. Learn how to use the modulus (%), larger than (>) and smaller than (<) operators. Also, you can use a variable when assigning a value to itself, IE chance=chance*1.1
Displays error => [string "chunk"]: 4: attempt to compare nil with number
yes for me too
Was an easy fix... Type your profit target... profittarget=5 --example - place at top. Running fine. Lets see how it goes.
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Same as original but compressed without useless code: nextbet = 0.00000005 chance = 6.6 profittarget = 0.5 function dobet() if (wagered) >= profittarget then stop(); end if win then nextbet = 0.00000005 chance = 6.6 else nextbet = previousbet * 1.1 chance *= 1.1 if chance > 95.00 --<< set here your max chance dependent of site then nextbet = 0.00000005 chance = 6.6 end J=math.random(100) if J <= 29 then betcount=0 resetseed(); else betcount=betcount+1 end end A=math.random(100) if A <= 29 then bethigh=true end if A >= 71 then bethigh=false end end
I forget add one line. On the top of code between "profittarget = 0.5" and "function dobet()" add line "betcount = 0". Now will be working.