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LUA Scripts
1) This method is unstable like all methods and holds a chance of causing you to bust. It is likely you'll never be able to pay for anything with this method. Hopefully you have fun ;) 2) The recommended balance is 13-15k satoshis and above in btc. If your balance largely exceeds 15k sats ,simply divide your balance by 7500 to find a more suitable basebet. 3) This script relies on two key aspects: firstly after a certain amount of wins it expects a loss, this is done through simple probability from a 1 in 3 loss chance . After two wins we lower the basebet for a loss. Secondly, depending on the depth of a loss streak we use certain multiplier with a difference of 0.1 as it ascends starting with 2 then stopping at 2.6 4)For note here are a few loss streak chances to help you undestand more easily if you are beating the loss streak odds or having a bad day -Please bear in mind your first set of bets could be 15 losses or after 500k bets you could have never seen more than 10 losses; these are just estimations --8 losses = 1 in 6600 --9 losses = 1 in 19700 --10 losses = 1 in 59000 --11 losses = 1 in 177100 --12 losses = 1 in 531400
Can you make a random high/lo switch? ~ also great bot tbh. :)
Script not running ?? Starting Dicebot 3.3.18 start() LUA ERROR!! 'then' expected, got 'nextbet'
yea there's an error after currentstreak == x there should be a then
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