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LUA Scripts
This script doubles the bet after a loss but starts at a very high chance of success: 95%. After each bet the chance reduces enough to bring equilibrium to profit but stops reducing chance at 49.5%. First loss goes from 95% to 67%, then 57% and then gradually lower and closer to 49.5%. It basically buys you a few more higher probability roles before the same old 49.5% martingale. It's similar to the "recovery" strategy used here but not all sites give a bonus over various bets:;all
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exelent script
is the best
Hi! This scripts works very well. However, is there any way to force it to reset to another bet after, let's say, 4 reds in a row playing at 50-60 chance?
I run scripst is error . It show me message "Please set starting bet using nextbet = x.xxxxxxxx " Please help me. Thank
The error tells you exactly what to do. Set a starting bet in the console using the command "nextbet = xx.xxxx" where xx.xxxx is your base bet/starting bet.
Nice script
Thank you for the script, its almost perfect. Only one thing: How can we setup max loss streak ? Because if i set in the settings mode - advenced - martiangle its not working.
To allow use of the Advanced mode settings; just add this line of code to the top of the script. enablesrc=true --set to true to use stop/reset conditions --settings from advanced mode
enablesrc don't reset win / loss reset stop. Is there another way to do it?
Your right I noticed programmer mode ignores this command. Maybe a bug in the DiceBot now.