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LUA Scripts
The ultimate martingale script! The only thing you do is pick your 2x basebet. Based on your available balance the script will determine your minimum balance and your 2x bet multiplier. 1.1x bets are included to spice it up a little. They are safe 4 to 5 looser rolls. Meaning you would have to roll five or six 1.1x reds to loose the 1.1x bets. And the 1.1x bets are determined by the script and your balance. I added more automation for better calculation on the 1.1x bet. It will work for a wider range of balances now. Martingales are very slow and maybe safe. But, if you get bored just change the basebet and see what happens. All of the current settings are displayed every roll. 2x multiplier, low count, high count, Maximum Available Rolls, Maximum Number of Losses, Number of 1.1x bets, and the current Minimum Balance. If you like this script, donations are accepted @ 113JwiMN19MyziPEDohuFDrhujgzGrnqz4
The first line of the following section of code should be changed in the version you dl. if (math.fmod(runCnt, 100) == 0 or runCnt == 0)) then should be changed to if (win or (runCnt == 0)) then This will keep the minbal variable updated more frequently. Could save you some coin. if (win or (runCnt == 0)) then -- Function to set minbal -- Based on balance and multiplier. m = lmulti -- 2.25 -- Will always be base multiplier b = basebet cnt1 = 0 car1 = 0 car2 = 0 car1 = b for cnt1 = 0, 30 do car2 = car1 + (b * m^(cnt1 + 1)) if (balance > (2 * car2)) then minbal = car2 end car1 = car2 end end -- END Function to set minbal
Hi GlenArven ! Im testing your script very big imporvement have does respect your oldest ! I've added a sleep function to your script after function dobet to disable the minimum bet delay difference and use random to put second from bets ... Ive tried to add plugins to lua script but not founded now .. According to Lua wiki simple sleep but cause still off the GUI but work props --sleep local ritardo = math.random(3,17) print(os.clock()) print(ritardo) local start = os.clock() while os.clock() - start < ritardo do end Its work not as 10th second precision but with large gain work whell. Can please contact me on µTox A1Vm or by mail whitedreamoff6[àt]gmail-com Regards
This script is great Glen! nice job. I'm considering to donate after hitting a profit range ~ 400,000 sats from 1400 o-o
I made another small but important fix to the script. The following statement should be added between "currentstreak reverse" and "Begin Test" if (lcnt == hcnt) then --<< Must be after currentstreak reverse and before test reverse = false end Place this statement between line 196 and the following statement block. It just turns off the reverse switch but I think it is important. Thx for the interest.
Hi, can you paste on comments this script with all improvements?
Id' rather he upload a new script.
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